Monday, May 23, 2016

Left side engine cover

The engine cover had seen much better days, it had all kinds of scratches, cracks and the bottom mounting flange had completely sheared off.

My search began on ebay and I found this for $60, but that was too rich for me, I decided to try to fix mine up myself.

One thing that I thought was cool on the ebay cover was that the circle with the Honda logo was polished aluminum, I think originally this cover was all painted on this bike.

So, I got some JB weld and went to work patching up all the cracks, re-attaching the bottom front mounting flange, and sanding and shaping the JB weld areas.

So I sanded and then polished the circle area on the cover, after about 1 hour it was looking pretty cool.  I could have done better but Im happy with the result.  

After polishing i masked and painted the rest of the cover, then after that dried I masked and painted the recessed Honda logo.  I found that masking tape works well to remove the excess black paint from the surface of the cover.  Lay down tape over it, use something flat to push down the tape, then remove, repeated that about a dozen times and most of the surface paint was gone, and the paint in the recessed HONDA logo stayed behind.  

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